Become an Alabama Notary Public

Alabama Notary Commission Overview
The step-by-step process for becoming a notary public in the state of Alabama is detailed below. Once you are ready to shop for supplies, simply visit our store. As a national provider of notary supplies, notary bonds, insurance, and training, has pretty much everything you need to become an Alabama notary public.
Are You in the Wrong Place?
Alabama Notary Supplies Package
The Alabama Notary Supplies Package includes a bond, stamp, and journal for only $79.
How to Become a Notary Public in Alabama
Step-by-Step InstructionsHow to Become an Alabama Notary Public
1. We recommend that you purchase and complete the Online Alabama Notary Training Course. This course is not required by the state, but it is highly recommended you are fully aware of your duties and responsibilities as a notary public. Order Now
2. Purchase the $50,000 Alabama Notary Bond. The bond is "insurance" for the public in case you make a mistake and damage someone financially.
3. Contact the probate judge in the county of your residence. You can locate your judge from the website
4. After you furnish the appropriate information to the judge and pay the application fee, you will be appointed as a notary.
5. After you are appointed, order your notary supplies: Alabama Notary Supplies
The Alabama Secretary of State's office does not have notary application materials.